
The article presents the status quaestionis of scientific research and studies concerning the three Vitae Sanctorum Patrum Eremitarum composed by St. Jerome, namely: the Vita S. Pauli Primi Eremitae, Monachi Thebaei ; the Vita S. Hilarionis ; and the Vita S. Malchi, monachi captivi , eminent examples of the monastic hagiographic genre, which perfect and continue the monastic literature just inaugurated by St. Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria in Egypt. The message contained in these Vitae is very important for early monasticism as such and, within it, for the very beginnings of monasticism in the Palaeochristian West. This material, therefore, constitutes a real mine (not yet fully adequately probed and analyzed) to rightly understand the very first charismatic-monastic-spiritual movement.

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