
AbstractDue to trade liberalization especially after the 1990s, all emerging Asian countries are affected to some extent with environmental pollution. Wastewater generation primarily depends on the treatment strategies, and some countries have already taken reasonable measures to wipe out the problem while others not. This chapter primarily reviews the status of water pollution in India and other Asian countries. What are the major sources of water pollution and impacts in these countries? China, as the largest economy among the regions observed, reported the most pollution, at 8.82 million kg/day in 2006, eclipsing BOD emissions from the other Asian countries. Agriculture is the major contributor of nonpoint source pollution of surface water and groundwater worldwide. The excessive use of fertilizers, herbicides, pesticides, and defoliants and the resulting water quality degradation are responsible for health problems. Among industrial pollution, the largest contributor of BOD emission is the textile industry followed by the food industry in developing Asia. The former is especially important in the case of India because textile is one of the major export industries in the country. Although environmental awareness in the industrial sector has increased, enforcement of regulations is difficult and pollution continues to rise as the region is dominated by small- and medium-scale industries. Several countries are implementing large-scale and ambitious programs to restore degraded water resources. The enforcement of water quality is particularly difficult in emerging economies, where institutional capacities do not keep pace with rapid industrialization.KeywordsWater QualityBiochemical Oxygen DemandWater Quality IndexWater Quality MonitoringNonpoint Source PollutionThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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