
The Storage Ring ALBA is a 3 GeV third generation synchrotron light source under construction in Barcelona (Spain). ALBA is optimized for high photon flux density with a beam emittance of 4.5 nm.rad and a large number of straight sections for Insertion Devices (3 8 m, 12 4.2 m and 2 2.6 m) in a relatively small circumference of 268.8 m. Top-up operation is foreseen from the start. The injector complex will consist of a 100 MeV Linac and a full energy Booster with a rather small emittance 9nm.rad. The design of the lattice and of the major components of the accelerator complex (Linac and Booster, Magnets, RF system, Vacuum system) has been completed and the procurement procedure has started for the large majority of them. The construction of the building is planned to start in the first half of 2006 and the commissioning of the storage ring is foreseen for the end of 2008. This report gives an overview of the status of the project.

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