
Context:Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the main causes of death due to infectious diseases worldwide. Multidrug resistance/rifampicin resistance (MDR/RR) TB remains a public health crisis. India has the highest burden of tuberculosis and multidrug resistant TB (MDR TB) in the world. There is wide geographical variation in the epidemic and its trends that can be updated by regular reporting and sound surveillance systems. The current study tries to fill this gap by analyzing the data of TB patients from a Tuberculosis Unit, studying socio-demographic and clinical profile from December 2017 to November 2019 in Nadia district of West Bengal.Aims:The aims of this work were to study socio-demographic and clinical profile of TB patients attending Tuberculosis Unit of West Bengal, and to find out factors associated with drug-resistant TB.Settings and Design:Record-based study from Tuberculosis Unit.Methods:Records of all patients who undergo CBNAAT in TU are stored as monthly unit. We randomly selected 10 months from a period of December 2017 to November 2019 by using lot method. Data of all patients undergoing CBNAAT at Kalyani – Gayeshpur Tuberculosis Unit during randomly selected 10 months were accessed.Statistical Analysis Used:Monthly data was entered in Microsoft Excel and descriptive tests of significance, proportions and Chi-square were applied.Results:There was male preponderance for testing of tuberculosis. Seven percent of the TB suspects were HIV positive. The positivity rate of MTB by CBNAAT was 23%. Four percent of the samples were Rifampicin resistance. Tobacco consumption, contact with TB case and Diabetes were common risk factors of TB. Most of the information was missing in the records.Conclusions:Most of Rifampicin Resistant cases showed very low Ct value in CBNAAT. Previous history of TB treatment and positive HIV status was significantly associated with RR TB. There is a need to capture complete information on the records of presumptive TB cases.

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