
This research was conducted to test the mangrove crab of Sesarmidae family as bio-indicator to assess health status of mangrove ecosystem in Youtefa Bay of Jayapura. Conducted since March-August 2017. Conducted in 3 stations namely St. Enggros, St.Tobati, and St. Nafri. Using the quadratic transect method (1x 1 m) and the quadratic transect (10 x 10 m). Data were analyzed using index of diversity, dominance, evenness, abundance, density, simple linear regression and test criteria of indicator species. The result of the research found the level of mangrove diversity in Enggros Station with the value of index 1.9 then Tobati and Nafri Station of 1, 4 with abundant diversity level. The density of mangroves in the three stations is obtained by Enggors: 1455.6 trees / Ha, Naftri: 1477.8 trees / Ha, and Tobati 1033,5 trees / ha with moderate density categories and good ecosystem health conditions. The biological criteria indicator test shows that the Sesarmidae crab meets the six criteria of the indicator species, so that it can be designated as a species indicator of the health status of the ecosystem.


  • Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menguji kepiting mangrove famili Sesarmidae sebagai bio-indikator untuk menilai status kesehatan ekosistem mangrove di Teluk Youtefa Jayapura

  • The result of the research found the level of mangrove diversity in Enggros Station

  • The density of mangroves in the three stations is obtained by Enggors

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Analisis Dominansi menggunakan Indeks

N (Magurran, 1988; Krebs, 1985; Jorgensen et al, 2005). Bila D≈0 berarti tidak ada spesies yang mendominansi dan D=1 berarti terdapat spesies yang mendominansi. Kemerataan jenis, H’ = Indeks keanekaragaman jenis, S = Jumlah jenis. = 0.5 – 0.75 kemerataan sedang (komunitas labil) dan E’ > 0.75 kemerataaan tinggi (komunitas stabil). 4. Analisis Kelimpahan Caughley (Khouw, 2009), Kepadatan setiap unit sampling (kuadran) dengan D = x , menghitung kepadatan rataz rata dengan D = ∑ D , menghitung besar n populasi dengan B = DZ , dimana D=. Kepadatan suatu unit sampling ke-i, x= jumlah organisme pada unit sampling ke-I, z = luas unit sampling, n = jumlah unit sampling, Z =. Total luas area sampling, D = rata-rata kepadatan per luas unit sampling. (2007) kerapatan mangrove dapat dihitung dengan rumus: Kerapatan (K) = jumlah total individu suatu jenis Nilai kerapatan luas total area mangrove hasil perhitungan akan diuji dengan kriteria tingkat kerusakan ekosistem mangrove menurut Kepmen Lingkungan Hidup, Nomor.

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11 Jumlah
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