
Nutritional status of children under three years (6-35 months) and breast milk pattern in rural areas Purpose: This study aimed to identify the nutritional status of children under 3 years, nutrient intake, and breastfeeding patterns in Purwojati sub-district, Banyumas. Methods: This survey used 392 toddlers (6-35 months) from 10 villages in Purwojati sub-district. Results: Most aged 12-23 months were 43.4% and the age group 24-35 months was 32.7%. Most of the children under five have junior high school education level or equal. The composite analysis was used to look at nutritional problems significantly. Based on the composite analysis showed that as many as 19.6% of toddlers had normal short nutritional problems. Energy and protein consumption in toddlers in a large category in the less category. Most toddlers did not do initiation of early breastfeeding behavior in infants who were born at 60.7% and most did not exclusively breastfeed by 40.3%. Conclusion: The composite analysis of nutritional status based on the index of height-for-age and weight-for-height shows from the short toddler then 19.6% of toddlers who experience the potential fat. This is slightly lower with the results of 2016 nutrition status monitoring of 27.5% of short children (height-for-age), as many as 23.4% of under-fives have normal body weight (weight-for-height). If stunted children get more feeding treatment than what is expected to increase height, they are potentially obese. Abstrak Tujuan: Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengidentifikasi status gizi anak usia 6-35 bulan, asupan zat gizi dan pola pemberian ASI. Metode: Survei dilakukan di Kecamatan Purwojati Banyumas melibatkan 392 anak berumur 6-35 bulan. Hasil: Sebagian besar berusia 12-23 bulan sebesar 43,4% dan kelompok usia 24–35 bulan sebesar 32,7%. Sebagian besar ibu balita mempunyai tingkat pendidikan setingkat SMP. Analisis komposit tersebut digunakan untuk melihat masalah gizi secara nyata. Analisis komposit menunjukkan bahwa sebesar 19,6% batita mempunyai masalah gizi pendek normal. Konsumsi energi dan protein pada anak di bawah tiga tahun sebagian besar pada kategori kurang. Sebagian besar ibu batita tidak melakukan perilaku inisiasi menyusui dini pada bayi yang dilahirkan sebesar 60,7% dan sebagian besar memberikan ASI tidak eksklusif sebesar 40,3%. Simpulan: Analisis komposit status gizi berdasarkan indeks TB/U dan BB/TB menunjukkan 19,6% batita pendek, lebih rendah dari angka 27,5% data pantauan status gizi tahun 2016. Sebanyak 23,4% balita mempunyai status BB/TB normal. Jika anak-anak pendek mendapat perlakuan pemberian makanan lebih dari apa yang diharap bisa meningkatkan tinggi badan, mereka justru berpotensi mengalami kegemukan. Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara inisiasi menyusui dini dan pemberian air susu ibu eksklusif terhadap status anak pendek.

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