
ABSTRACT The Lewis and Clark expedition crossed the Continental Divide in 1805 on the way west to the Pacific Ocean. Based on journal entries, members of the expedition probably encountered two species of resident salmonids and four of the six species of anadromous salmonids and steelhead (Family Salmonidae, genus <em>Oncorhynchus</em>). The salmonid species were called common salmon (now known as Chinook salmon <em>O. tshawytscha</em>), red charr (sockeye salmon <em>O. nerka</em>), white salmon trout (coho salmon [also known as silver salmon] <em>O. kisutch</em>), salmon trout (steelhead <em>O. mykiss</em>), and spotted trout (cutthroat trout <em>O. clarkii</em>). There was no evidence of the expedition encountering pink salmon <em>O. gorbuscha</em>, chum salmon <em>O. keta</em>, or species of true char <em>Salvelinus</em> spp. Common fishes procured from Indian tribes living along the lower Columbia River included eulachon <em>Thaleichthys pacificus</em> and white sturgeon <em>Acipenser transmontanus</em>. The identity of three additional resident freshwater species is questionable. Available descriptions suggest that what they called mullet were largescale sucker <em>Catostomus macrocheilus</em>, and that chubb were peamouth <em>Mylocheilus caurinus</em>. The third questionable fish, which they called bottlenose, was probably mountain whitefish <em>Prosopium williamsoni</em>, although there is no evidence that the species was observed in the Columbia River drainage. Missing from the species list were more than 20 other fishes known to Sahaptin-speaking people from the mid-Columbia region. More complete documentation of the icthyofauna of the Pacific Northwest region did not occur until the latter half of the 19th century. However, journals from the Lewis and Clark expedition provide the first documentation of Columbia River fishes.

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