
The paper presents the classic form of pressure waveforms in burn chamber of diesel engine but based on strict analytical basis for amending the displacement volume. The pressure measurement results are obtained in the engine running on an engine dynamometer stand. The study was conducted by a 13-phase ESC test (European Stationary Cycle). In each test phase are archived 90 waveforms of pressure. As a result of extensive statistical analysis was found that while the engine is idling distribution of 90 value of pressure at any value of the angle of rotation of the crankshaft can be described uniform distribution. In the each point of characteristic of the engine corresponding to the individual phases of the ESC test, 90 of the pressure for any value of the angle of rotation of the crankshaft can be described as normal distribution. These relationships are verified using tests: Shapiro-Wilk, Jarque-Bera, Lilliefors, Anderson-Darling. In the following part, with each value of the crank angle, are obtain values of descriptive statistics for the pressure data. In its essence, are obtained a new way to approach the issue of pressure waveform analysis in the burn chamber of engine. The new method can be used to further analysis, especially the combustion process in the engine. It was found, e.g. a very large variances of pressure near the transition from compression to expansion stroke. This lack of stationarity of the process can be important both because of the emissions of exhaust gases and fuel consumption of the engine.

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