
<strong>Introduction: </strong>The word statistics was first used to describe a set of aggregated data (commonly demographic observations, such as births and deaths), and later came to also denote the mathematical body of science that pertains to the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of data and uncertainty (Davidian & Louis, 2002; Dodge, 2006; Moses, 1986). For those interested in the historical developments in probability and statistics, there are many excellent books and reviews (Fienberg, 1992; Gigerenzer et al., 1989; Stigler, 1986). However, as John Tukey once said, “the best thing about being a statistician is that you get to play in everyone else’s backyard” (Leonhardt, 2000). Yet, there has been little systematic work on the impact of the application of statistics in various scientific disciplines.


  • The word statistics was first used to describe a set of aggre- She attributed those deaths to lack of supplies and poor gated data, and later came to denote the ma- directly recognize their infectious nature

  • Thematical body of science that pertains to the collection, organization, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of Florence Nightingale was firmly in the camp of the miasma data and uncertainty (Davidian & Louis, 2002; Dodge, theory that held that many of the infectious killers of the 2006; Moses, 1986). For those interested in the historical time were due to environdevelopments in probability and statistics, there are many mental factors (decaying organic matter and noxious excellent books and reviews (Fienberg, 1992; Gigerenzer et fumes) that were not passed between individuals but raal., 1989; Stigler, 1986)

  • This thesis was said, “the best thing about being a statistician is that you favored by social progressives of the time, who placed on get to play in everyone else’s backyard” (Leonhardt, 2000). the state the responsibility to improve the environment

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Constantine DASKALAKIS

Division of Biostatistics, Thomas Jefferson University (Philadelphia, PA), USA Section on Teaching of Statistics in the Health Sciences at the American Statistical Association. Turned to Britain, her presentations to politicians and civil servants were very influential, and she was instrumental in the establishment of hospitals that were sanitary and had Statistics and public health reform clean and fresh air She was a pioneer in the training of nurses and other medical personnel. Many of her presentations and campaigns relied on inventive use of statisFlorence Nightingale was a British social reformer in 19th tical summaries and graphics, and she is considered one of century England When she was in her mid-thirties, she the first individuals to put statistics to effective use in the volunteered as a nurse during the Crimean War service of public health and health policy. Revue interdisciplinaire des sciences de la santé | Interdisciplinary Journal of Health Sciences

Statistics and the polio vaccine trials
Paralytic Polio
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