
In January 2014 the General Assembly of the United Nations endorsed the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics, which was adopted by the Statistical Commission of the United Nations in April 1994, following an initiative of the Conference of European Statisticians. Valid and reliable informa tion is essential for the management of the affairs of a democratic society aiming at generalised wellbeing and prosperity. It is important that users and stakeholders of official statistics and the citizens at large have total confidence in statistics. To produce valid and reliable statistics it is necessary that Governments provide the legal framework and resources to the statistical system of their countries to allow statisticians to produce the required statistical information, without interference using the best available methodology and techniques from the best suited sources of information. Respondents, be they individual, enterprises or organisations, have to provide the required information truthfully and as completely as possible. Official statistics have to guarantee that such individual information will be used for statistical purposes only. Moreover the results of statistical enquiries have to be made available to all users without distinction. Such basic requirements of official statistics were not respected in the centrally planned economies before 1989 and even in some of the countries with market economies. During the transition process toward democracies and market economies of the countries from Eastern and Central Europe it was recognized that official statistics plays an essential role for preserving democracy and that its special and unique role should be recognized by governments and the public at large. At the request of one of the Eastern European countries the Conference of European Statisticians proposed a Charter called ``Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics'' establishing the parameters to guarantee the production of valid and reliable official statistics. As years passed, it was recognized that these ``Principles'' should have a universal validity. This was reached in 2014 with the endorsement of the ``Principles'' by the United Nations General Assembly. Consequently the Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics have universal acceptance and should be adhered to by all nations and societies. Suggestions are made ensure that the Fundamental Principles are continued to be adhered to.

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