
Since the end of 2020, the COVID-19 outbreak has partly changed the way people live and the way schools across the country teach. In order to solve the impact of the new coronavirus pneumonia pandemic on the opening of universities and classroom teaching, it is particularly important to study how universities implement and ensure the development of online foreign language teaching. This article aims to study the effectiveness of online teaching of college English audiovisual listening. We actively carry out teaching activities such as online teaching and online learning of English audiovisual teaching and perform statistical analysis of progress and the quality of college English teaching in online teaching. This article aims to combine these two paradigms, collect data and conduct qualitative and quantitative analysis, and analyze the accuracy of effective data in English audiovisual online teaching. This survey uses two survey methods: questionnaire survey and structured interview. In order to understand the interviewee’s feelings and obtain more detailed feedback information, interviews about learning strategies were organized. The conclusion is that under the background of the “COVID-19 pandemic,” college English courses based on various online learning platforms (such as MOOC) are very valuable learning experiences for students. In order to adapt the online learning, students need to use appropriate learning strategies. This kind of learning experience also provides valuable opportunities for students, enabling them to develop their independent learning abilities and review their learning achievements. College English course teaching based on multiple online learning platforms such as MOOC provides inspiration and experience for future college English teaching. Teachers become instructors for students to master and use learning strategies. Only teachers and students work together to ensure the quality of online teaching.

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