
It was conjectured recently that statiscally preserved structures underlie the statistical physics of turbulent transport processes. We analyze here in detail the time-dependent (noncompact) linear operator that governs the dynamics of correlation functions in the case of shell models of passive scalar advection. The problem is generic in the sense that the driving velocity field is neither Gaussian nor delta correlated in time. We show how to naturally discuss the dynamics in terms of an effective compact operator that displays "zero modes," which determine the anomalous scaling of the correlation functions. Since shell models have neither a Lagrangian structure nor "shape dynamics," this example differs significantly from standard passive scalar advection. Nevertheless, with the necessary modifications, the generality and efficacy of the concept of statistically preserved structures are further exemplified. In passing we point out a bonus of the present approach, in providing analytic predictions for the time-dependent correlation functions in decaying turbulent transport.

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