
Testud et al. (2001) have recently developed a formalism, known as the “normalized particle size distribution (PSD)”, which consists in scaling the diameter and concentration axes in such a way that the normalized PSDs are independent of water content and mean volume‐weighted diameter. In this paper we investigate the statistical properties of the normalized PSD for the particular case of ice clouds, which are known to play a crucial role in the Earth's radiation balance. To do so, an extensive database of airborne in situ microphysical measurements has been constructed. A remarkable stability in shape of the normalized PSD is obtained. The impact of using a single analytical shape to represent all PSDs in the database is estimated through an error analysis on the instrumental (radar reflectivity and attenuation) and cloud (ice water content, effective radius, terminal fall velocity of ice crystals, visible extinction) properties. This resulted in a roughly unbiased estimate of the instrumental and cloud parameters, with small standard deviations ranging from 5 to 12%. This error is found to be roughly independent of the temperature range. This stability in shape and its single analytical approximation implies that two parameters are now sufficient to describe any normalized PSD in ice clouds: the intercept parameter N*0 and the mean volume‐weighted diameter Dm. Statistical relationships (parameterizations) between N*0 and Dm have then been evaluated in order to reduce again the number of unknowns. It has been shown that a parameterization of N*0 and Dm by temperature could not be envisaged to retrieve the cloud parameters. Nevertheless, Dm‐T and mean maximum dimension diameter ‐T parameterizations have been derived and compared to the parameterization of Kristjánsson et al. (2000) currently used to characterize particle size in climate models. The new parameterization generally produces larger particle sizes at any temperature than the Kristjánsson et al. (2000) parameterization. These new parameterizations are believed to better represent particle size at global scale, owing to a better representativity of the in situ microphysical database used to derive it. We then evaluated the potential of a direct N*0‐Dm relationship. While the model parameterized by temperature produces strong errors on the cloud parameters, the N*0‐Dm model parameterized by radar reflectivity produces accurate cloud parameters (less than 3% bias and 16% standard deviation). This result implies that the cloud parameters can be estimated from the estimate of only one parameter of the normalized PSD (N*0 or Dm) and a radar reflectivity measurement.

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