
AbstractLower hybrid waves (LHWs) are frequently observed associated with magnetic reconnection. A general picture of the statistical properties of LHWs in magnetopause reconnection, however, has not yet been established. Here we report such a statistical study of LHWs using magnetospheric multiscale mission data in the magnetopause reconnection exhaust region. LHWs are identified in reconnection outflow regions over a broad range of magnetic local time. Most of the LHWs are near strong density gradients located on the low‐density magnetospheric side of the reconnection layer. The wave amplitude is typically several mV/m but can occasionally reach a few tens of mV/m. Compared with intervals that do not exhibit LHWs, intervals with LHWs show a ∼50% increase in parallel electron temperature, providing statistical evidence that LHWs contribute to parallel electron heating in reconnection exhausts and the dayside low‐latitude boundary layer.

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