
The present study focuses on standardization of sampling technique and comparison of different types of sample allocation methods in combination with various stratification tools (optimum strata boundaries, number of strata and optimum sample size etc.) for obtaining efficient estimators of area and production of apple in Himachal Pradesh. Forth is purpose, various aspects involved in optimum stratification with reference todata collected from the selected or chardists in district Shimla, during the year 2011-12 have been analyzed. The variable "Area under Apple" was chosen as the stratification variable as it had high correlation(r=0.96) with the estimation variable "Production of Apple". Four methods of construction of strata viz., equalization of strata total, equalization of cumulative of ?f(y) , equalization of cumulative of ½{r(y)+f(y)} and equalization of cumulative of were used and their relative efficiencies for estimating total production of apple in the study district of the state have been analyzed. The critical examination of the result revealed that with the increase in number of strata from 2 to 4 and sample size from 10 to 40, equalization of cumulative of method along with Neyman allocation resulted in least variance (0.89) and maximum percentage gain in efficiency (20418.16). Thus, equalization of cumulative of method with L>2 can profitably be applied for the estimation of apple production in the study district of the state Himachal Pradesh, India.

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