
To appropriately defend against a wide array of pathogens, humans somatically generate highly diverse repertoires of B cell and T cell receptors (BCRs and TCRs) through a random process called V(D)J recombination. Receptor diversity is achieved during this process through both the combinatorial assembly of V(D)J-genes and the junctional deletion and insertion of nucleotides. While the Artemis protein is often regarded as the main nuclease involved in V(D)J recombination, the exact mechanism of nucleotide trimming is not understood. Using a previously published TCRβ repertoire sequencing data set, we have designed a flexible probabilistic model of nucleotide trimming that allows us to explore various mechanistically interpretable sequence-level features. We show that local sequence context, length, and GC nucleotide content in both directions of the wider sequence, together, can most accurately predict the trimming probabilities of a given V-gene sequence. Because GC nucleotide content is predictive of sequence-breathing, this model provides quantitative statistical evidence regarding the extent to which double-stranded DNA may need to be able to breathe for trimming to occur. We also see evidence of a sequence motif that appears to get preferentially trimmed, independent of GC-content-related effects. Further, we find that the inferred coefficients from this model provide accurate prediction for V- and J-gene sequences from other adaptive immune receptor loci. These results refine our understanding of how the Artemis nuclease may function to trim nucleotides during V(D)J recombination and provide another step toward understanding how V(D)J recombination generates diverse receptors and supports a powerful, unique immune response in healthy humans.

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