
Introduction. The scale and destructive consequences of the unlawful impact on cyberspace is a key problem of modern geopolitics, and cyber reliability is recognized as one of the most important security priorities by the subjects of international relations.Problem Statement. Monitoring of cyber incidents and anomalies in information and communication systems and prompt response to risks determined by cyber threats require the development of a system of indicators and criteria for cybersecurity assessment.Purpose. Summarize the international experience of assessing the cybersecurity, to position countries by their level of development in the global space, to identify strengths and weaknesses in cybersecurity management, and to ensure effective protection of cyberspace at the national level.Materials and Methods. Used the component indices of the international rankings characterizing the potential of the digital economy (ICT IDI, NRI, EGDI) and the participation of countries in the field of cybersecurity(GCI and NCSI).Results. It has been argued that cybersecurity ratings play the role of a kind of identifier of the relative advantages and vulnerabilities of the national cyber strategies, and indicate the need for their review in order tostrengthen protection against cyber-attacks and improve the cyber risk management system. In countries with a high level of economic development, which is largely based on the contribution of IT technologies to the national production, the cybersecurity potential is significantly higher, regardless of geolocation. The discovered correlation between GCI, information society development indices (IDI, NRI, EGDI) and GDPper capita confirms that the digital transformation of the economy and society acts as a key driver of economicdevelopment if the information- and cyber-security are assured only. The best practices are highlighted, andcritically weak segments of the national cybersecurity are identified.Conclusions. Using the NCSI indicators, the preparedness of Georgia and Ukraine to prevent the implementation of fundamental cyber threats and to manage cyber incidents and large-scale cyber crises is assessed.

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