
In order to minimize the significant incidents in chemical laboratories, specially the academic laboratories, one must be able to identify and evaluate hazards. Familiar with safety rules and responsibilities. Assessing implementation of safety rules and securities. The aim of this paper is to for the evaluate and assess the of chemical safety procedures and chemical policies in academic laboratories using statistical questionnaire. A form is written, suggested two main parts, safety and security. Safety part includes three classes, hardware requirements, training and application of safety procedures. the second part is security. The form design is based on four points Likert scale. The forms were distributed to more than 90 persons who works in the chemistry department laboratories, of Ibn Al Haitham college of education, university of Baghdad. Statistical analysis is carried out using IBM Statistics SPSS, Version 24,2016. an internal consistency reliability was estimated using Cronbach’s alpha measuring scale, a value of 83.4 % was achieved it indicates a good reliability. The research emphasized a shortage in the application of safety procedures due to the lack of hardware requirements, as well as training. Control banding chemical uses in research and education laboratories, checklists and development of standard operating procedures are the most important things to achieve the safety in chemical laboratories.

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