
The paper explores the phenomenon of grandparen-tal labor as the activity of grandparents in relation to their grandchildren, the content of which is care, assistance to grandchildren, and their development. Methodological principles for estimating the number of actors of grandparental labor are formulated. On the basis of statistical data, the age of entry into the grandparenting is estimated, and the proportion of grandparents actively engaged in grandparental labor in the regions of Russia is calculated. The re-sults show that the involvement of women in grandparental labor is higher than that of men, and there is a positive correlation between these indica-tors; in Russia, there is a high regional differentia-tion of the involvement of grandparents in grandpa-rental labor. Creating conditions for the activation of grandparental labor in the Russian regions would increase the values of the active longevity index and get all the positive effects that arise in society when the involvement of grandparents in the life of their grandchildren increases.

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