
Argos‐tracked drifters are used to study the near‐surface circulation in the Santa Barbara Channel. The mean consists of a cyclonic cell in the western Santa Barbara Channel with weaker flow in the eastern Channel. Drifter mean velocities agree well with record means from near‐surface current meters. At the eastern entrance to the channel, drifter velocities are biased toward outflow (eastward velocity) conditions. Drifter variability at synoptic and seasonal scales shows a tendency for upwelling and eastward flow in spring, a strong cyclonic circulation in summer, poleward relaxation in fall, and weak, variable circulation in winter. Drifter estimates of eddy stress divergence indicate advective terms play a secondary role in the mean surface momentum balance. Lagrangian time and space scales are about 1 day and under 10 km, respectively. The mismatch between Lagrangian and Eulerian timescales indicates advective terms are important to the fluctuating circulation.

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