
In order to provide better traffic safety education for migrant workers, this paper conducted a research on traffic behavior of migrant workers. A questionnaire survey to investigate their characteristics and status of traffic behavior was held in Jiangsu Province. By using method of descriptive statistics, crosstab analysis and chi-square test, it is find that migrant workers have poor performance of traffic behavior. Their behavior of not running a red light accounted for 80.1%, while taking the zebra crossing accounted for 65.0%. There were 71.1% of them wear helmets when riding motorcycles and 84.6% of them look left and right when crossing the road. The results indicate that migrant workers have significant difference in age (p-value 0.05). Therefore, it is necessary to conduct targeted traffic safety education for migrant workers according to their different characteristics of traffic behavior. Migrant workers have been widely involved in the construction of city. With the expansion of the city and extension of the road, migrant workers' participation in travel activities is also increasing. However, according to Wang Yanhua's (2011) research to the statistics of traffic accidents in Beijing in 2009, migrant workers are one of the high-risk groups of traffic accident casualties because of their low level of education and weak awareness of traffic safety. Strengthen traffic safety education for migrant workers are one of the main measures for the prevention and control of traffic injuries. Meanwhile with the continued growth in the population of migrant workers, the number of migrant workers in 2011 has reached 252,780,000, an increase of 4.4% over the previous year (National Bureau of Statistics, 2011). The increasing number of migrant workers brings the city a huge risk. Therefore, it is imperative to strengthen their traffic safety education. It is found in the recent research that migrant workers have become a major group of traffic accident casualties. It is related to their coming from rural areas, lack of understanding of traffic rules, not suitable for the new traffic environment (Feng,

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