
The question of monitoring of international labour migration is of great importance in the modern terms of world economy globalization. Research of dynamics and determination of character of modern migratory processes create the analytical basis of economic mechanisms forming of their adjusting at the level of state administration. The analysis of basic consequences of labour migration has been conducted in the article. Three basic problems of labour migration processes and six basic directions of international migration of labour force on the base of researches results of modern scolars have been selected. The problem of the unique system forming of data collection about labour migration has been marked during researches. The analysis of demographic situation in Ukraine is given, that allowed to define the stable tendency of the absolute diminishing of population quantity. Growth of long-term labour migration in Ukraine was installed. It is noted that beginning from 2014 crisis this process acquires the substantial acceleration. An analysis of the economic activity types, in which migrants from Ukraine work has been given. The economic and mathematic analysis of dynamics and structure of migratory processes has been offered. Functional dependences for forecast of migratory processes have been determined.

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