
Abstract Economic and financial analysis is a method of knowing the mechanism of formation and modification of the economic phenomena by their decomposition into the component elements and by identifying the factors of influence. The object of decomposition by elements or factors may be a result (structural analysis), or a change in the result from a basis of comparison (causal analysis). In the present paper I propose an analysis of the investments according to the number of passengers and the consumption of energy on national transport modes in Romania within a period of 15 years, respectively between 2000 and 2015. For this purpose the data that will be used was published by the National Institute of Statistics, namely three indicators: investments in transport infrastructure, the weight of each mode in passenger transport and the consumption of energy by modes of transport. Energy consumption by modes of transport is the final energy consumption of transport activity by modes of transport, expressed in tones oil equivalent (toe). The quantities of energy used in international maritime and air transport and pipeline transport are not included. The main types of fuels used are the main fuels covered by petroleum products, electricity and small amounts of gas and biofuels. The weight of each mode in passenger transport is defined as the percentage share of each mode of transport in total domestic passenger transport. The modes of transport considered are: a) cars, b) buses and coaches, and c) trains (metro and trams and light metro are excluded). Domestic passenger transport includes data referring only to national transport, irrespective of the nationality of the transport vehicle. The weight is calculated from the passenger-km indicator (pkm), defined as the transport of a passenger over one kilometer. The investments in the transport infrastructure represent the construction works carried out for the development of the transport infrastructure. In order to carry out the statistical analysis of the investments in the transport infrastructure, the number of passengers and the energy consumption in transport modes in Romania, multiple linear regression models and time series analysis will be used.

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