
Abstract. In this study, snowpack scenarios are modelled across the French Alps using dynamically downscaled variables from the ALADIN Regional Climate Model (RCM) for the control period (1961–1990) and three emission scenarios (SRES B1, A1B and A2) for the mid- and late 21st century (2021–2050 and 2071–2100). These variables are statistically adapted to the different elevations, aspects and slopes of the Alpine massifs. For this purpose, we use a simple analogue criterion with ERA40 series as well as an existing detailed climatology of the French Alps (Durand et al., 2009a) that provides complete meteorological fields from the SAFRAN analysis model. The resulting scenarios of precipitation, temperature, wind, cloudiness, longwave and shortwave radiation, and humidity are used to run the physical snow model CROCUS and simulate snowpack evolution over the massifs studied. The seasonal and regional characteristics of the simulated climate and snow cover changes are explored, as is the influence of the scenarios on these changes. Preliminary results suggest that the snow water equivalent (SWE) of the snowpack will decrease dramatically in the next century, especially in the Southern and Extreme Southern parts of the Alps. This decrease seems to result primarily from a general warming throughout the year, and possibly a deficit of precipitation in the autumn. The magnitude of the snow cover decline follows a marked altitudinal gradient, with the highest altitudes being less exposed to climate change. Scenario A2, with its high concentrations of greenhouse gases, results in a SWE reduction roughly twice as large as in the low-emission scenario B1 by the end of the century. This study needs to be completed using simulations from other RCMs, since a multi-model approach is essential for uncertainty analysis.


  • Mountains are a key component of the global ecosystem and biodiversity, presenting major sources of water as well as minerals, forests, and agricultural products

  • Results obtained for temperature at 2 m above ground (T2m) suggest fairly good agreement between the D09a climatology and the ALADIN outputs treated in the CT experiment for all the selected massifs and seasons (Fig. 4a–d)

  • This correlation is improved in the CR experiment (Fig. 4e–h), in which possible sources of errors related to the use of Regional Climate Model (RCM) predictors have been removed

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Mountains are a key component of the global ecosystem and biodiversity, presenting major sources of water as well as minerals, forests, and agricultural products. Long-term snow cover climatologies have been established for about the last half of the 20th century throughout the Alps on the basis of observations or reanalyses for Switzerland (Laternser and Schneebeli, 2003), France (Martin and Etchevers, 2005; Durand et al, 2009a,b), Austria (Hantel et al, 2000; Schoner et al, 2000) and Italy (Acquaotta et al, 2009). These studies suggest that, since the early 1980s, snow cover has been substantially and rapidly reduced in most of the low and mid-altitude areas. Evidence for precipitation trends is not clear, showing either a slight increase in winter and a decline in summer, as in the Swiss

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