
Static suspension using fascia lata graft is used as a reconstructive procedure against drooping of the mouth corner for treating longstanding facial paralysis. Although it achieves symmetry at rest, movement of the mouth corner at mouth opening is restricted to some extent because it is fixed with fascia lata to the immovable temporal fascia, the parotid fascia, or bones. This was overcome by suspending the mouth corner to the mandibular coronoid process with fascia lata, which enabled a shift of the mouth corner with mouth opening and closure. The nine patients discussed in this study were operated on since 1994 for longstanding facial paralysis and followed-up for over 1.5 years. As in conventional static suspension, the fascia lata was harvested and split into two bands. Next, one semi-oval fascial loop was inserted around the paralysed part of the mouth and tied with another fascial band at the mouth corner, which was looped to the mandibular coronoid process. The suspended fascia lata graft was relaxed with anteroinferior movement of the coronoid process at mouth opening, enabling the mouth corner to shift inferiorly. The mouth corner returned to its original position at mouth closure, and the nasolabial fold deepened during mastication. No limitation in mouth opening was observed. Suspension of the mouth corner to the mandibular coronoid process provided a dynamic element, thereby restoring a near-normal shift. The procedure is considered as an alternative for reconstructing the malar region of patients with facial paralysis and in whom dynamic reconstruction is not indicated.

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