
This investigation is performed to evaluate the impact of static magnetic field on the Cell growth alignment, and differentiation potential in Human Mesenchymal Stem cells derived from human newborn cords. In vitro-cultured mesenchymal stem cells derived from human newborn cords were exposed to SMF up to 24mT and compared with the control (unexposed) cultures. Viability was assessed via Trypan Blue staining and MTT assay. Cell cycle progression was studied after flow cytometry data analysis. Sox-2, Nanong, and Oct-4 Primers used for RT-PCR experiment. Morphological studies showed that the exposed cells were significantly aligned in parallel bundles in a correlation with the magnetic field lines. Viability measurements showed a significant reduction in cell viability which was noted after exposure to static magnetic field and initiated 36h after the end of exposure time. Flow cytometric data analysis confirmed a decrease in G1 phase cell population within the treated and cultured groups compared with the corresponding control samples. However, the induced changes were recovered in the cell cultures after the post-exposure culture recovery time which may be attributed to the cellular repair mechanisms. Furthermore, the proliferation rate and Oct-4 gene expression were reduced due to the 18mT static magnetic field exposure. The significant proliferation rate decrease accompanied by the Sox-2, Nanong, and Oct-4 gene expression decline, suggested the differentiation inducing effects of SMF exposure. Exposure to Static Magnetic fields up to 24mT affects mesenchymal stem cell alignment and proliferation rate as well as mRNA expression of Sox-2, Nanong, and Oct-4 genes, therefore can be considered as a new differentiation inducer in addition to the other stimulators.

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