
This brief report describes the rapid deployment of a real-time electronic tracking board for all hospitals in the state of Oregon. In preparation for the coronavirus disease 2019 surge on hospital resources, and in collaboration across health systems, with health authorities and an industry partner, we combined existing infrastructures to create the first automated tracking board for our entire state, including bed types by health system and geographic area, and with granularity to the individual unit level for each participating hospital. At the time of submission, we have a live snapshot of 87% of beds in the state, including real-time ventilator data across eight health systems. The tracking board allows for rapid assessment of available bed and ventilator resources and pulls electronic health record data that is created through normal care processes rather than relying upon manual entry. It is updated every 5 minutes and is drillable from state to unit level. Together these factors make the data actionable, which is essential in a crisis. The new tracking system integrates seamlessly with our preexisting statewide, manually updated tracking board via bidirectional data sharing to ensure existing processes across the state can continue. This new tool allows any health system in our state to visualize occupancy by type and location in real time. Amid pandemic uncertainty, having a reliable tool for tracking critical hospital resources will enhance our statewide ability to maintain healthcare functionality in a world with coronavirus disease 2019.

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