
States in ${}^{191}\mathrm{Os}$ have been observed with the ${}^{192}\mathrm{Os}(p,pn\ensuremath{\gamma})$ reaction. The most intense $\ensuremath{\gamma}$ ray observed is the decay from the head of a previously assigned oblate decoupled band. Gamma rays in coincidence with this transition reveal a band structure up to spin ${19/2}^{+}.$ These results, together with those from a previous single-nucleon transfer study, are better reproduced in calculations assuming $\ensuremath{\epsilon}=0.17$ and $\ensuremath{\gamma}=24\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{},$ rather than $\ensuremath{\epsilon}=0.37$ and $\ensuremath{\gamma}=43\ifmmode^\circ\else\textdegree\fi{}$ as previously suggested. Candidates for members of the ground state band are also suggested.

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