
This paper presents the application of the forced harmonic oscillator method to the simulation of state-resolved dissociation processes behind high-temperature shock waves typical of atmospheric reentries. Improvements have been brought to the model, considering a more precise method for the calculation of the different vibrational level energies,thereforeincreasingtheaccuracyofthepredictedtransitionprobabilitiesbetweenhighervibrationallevels close and above the dissociation limit. The model has been validated against data issued from recent experiments, as well as data issued from semiclassical trajectory calculations for collisions between different species. A good overall agreementisachievedagainstsuchotherdata.Adatabaseofreactionrateshasbeenconstructed withthepurposeof simulating shock-heated nitrogen flows. Dissociation processes behind a shock wave have been simulated for different postshock translational temperatures. At lower temperatures, the well-known ladder-climbing phenomenon is the main dissociation channel behind a shock wave, with dissociation occurring for transitions from the vibrational levels close to the dissociation limit. At higher temperatures, transitions between the different vibrational levels of nitrogen become roughly equiprobable, and the overall range of bound vibrational levels contributes to the dissociation.

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