
During 1991-2004 years, International Workshop on the Future of Electronic Power Processing and Conversion (FEPPCON) held four times with the support of IEEE Power Electronics Society. The main purpose is to outline the possibilities of development in different fields during the next period as a result of the discussions. At the last meeting held in Italy, the tendency to increase the role of Power Electronics during the next 25-30 years in the processes of energy conversion has been confirmed (Blaabjerg, 2005). Special attention is paid to the role of Power Electronics at a system energy conversion level, because it is not in the position to dictate the trends in the development of this level. Nevertheless, without the power electronics tools, future serious achievements in power processing are impossible. Therefore, the power electronics implantation at a system level at a system energy conversion level is an issue of the efforts of the specialists in this field (Agrawal, 2001). This, of course, imposes also some changes and adaptation towards Power electronics role also in the process of schooling of specialists paying attention mainly to multidisciplinary of Power Electronics. For example, a necessity of further tuition in electrochemistry, mechanics, physics (especially electromagnetic and thermal processes), etc, is outlined. Remote access to complex power electronics laboratory equipment and the possibility of remotely driving experiments and measurement is represented (Rodriguez, 2009). Power Electronics takes a significant part in the following systems: Generic Systems; Energy Storage; Power Systems, including Alternative Energy Supply; Automotive Systems (Bose, 2009).

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