
Verboord, M., & Brandellero, A. (2016). The globalization of popular music, 1960-2010. Communication Research. Advance online publication. doi:10.1177/0093650215623834 The editors of Communication Research, Drs. Gibbs and Knobloch-Westerwick, wish to issue this statement of correction regarding the aforementioned article, published in OnlineFirst on January 16, 2016. This article was first submitted to Communication Research on July 11, 2012, and accepted for publication by the prior editors on November 19, 2015. In 2015, Drs. Marc Verboord and Amanda Brandellero published a book chapter that is based on the same data set and dependent variable as the abovementioned article. As a reference to the book chapter was not cited in the Communication Research journal article, the editors of CR would like to correct the academic record here by including the reference in this correction notice: Verboord, M., & Brandellero, A. (2015) National popular culture in an interconnected world: The case of pop charts. In W. de Been, P. Arora, & M. Hildebrandt (Eds.), Crossroads in new media, identity and law (pp. 218-236). London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan. We have examined the two texts and corresponded with the authors on the matter. The authors responded that the two texts target different audiences (the chapter for readers of an interdisciplinary work in the areas of new media and law, while the article for specialists in global cultural communication) and that different analyses are reported in the two texts. We agree that the article has more complex analyses, different theory considerations than the chapter, and examines additional independent variables. However, we are concerned about the use in both works of the same dependent variable (condensed to a dichotomous variable in the article, whereas the chapter uses the same variable with metric information). Further, the authors failed to acknowledge any other publication reporting data from the same data set in their correspondence with the journal or through a citation in the manuscript. Our final determination has been to issue this statement of correction and editors’ commentary. Subsequent versions of the article will be corrected to include the citation to the book chapter. As editors of Communication Research since 2016, we wish to take this opportunity to reiterate the journal’s mission of publishing new, original research and theory. Upon submission to Communication Research, authors are required to disclose any other works drawing on the same whole (or partial) data set in the pursuit of assessing and ensuring a manuscript’s novelty to the literature, as well as overseeing appropriate attribution to related works. Our aim is to enrich our field of study and the body of work that buttresses it, and the cooperation of future authors in flagging prior publications drawing on the same data set is vital to this endeavor. Drs. Jennifer Gibbs and Silvia Knobloch-Westerwick

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