
Read-Copy-Update (RCU) is a synchronization mechanism used heavily in key components of the Linux kernel, such as the virtual filesystem (VFS), to achieve scalability by exploiting RCU's ability to allow concurrent reads and updates. RCU's design is non-trivial, requires significant effort to fully understand it, let alone become convinced that its implementation is faithful to its specification and provides its claimed properties. The fact that as time goes by Linux kernels are becoming increasingly more complex and are employed in machines with more and more cores and weak memory does not make the situation any easier. This paper presents an approach to systematically test the code of the main flavor of RCU used in the Linux kernel (Tree RCU) for concurrency errors, both under sequential consistency and weak memory. Our modeling allows Nidhugg, a stateless model checking tool, to reproduce, within seconds, safety and liveness bugs that have been reported for RCU. More importantly, we were able to verify the Grace-Period guarantee, the basic guarantee that RCU offers, on several Linux kernel versions (non-preemptible builds). Our approach is effective, both in dealing with the increased complexity of recent Linux kernels and in terms of time that the process requires. We have good reasons to believe that our effort constitutes a big step towards making tools such as Nidhugg part of the standard testing infrastructure of the Linux kernel.

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