
A period has come in Russia when institutional transformations in matters of state youth policy (GMP) are objectively necessary. They presuppose the formation and development of a coherent system of youth affairs bodies, ensuring coordination of efforts of state bodies, local self-government bodies and civil society institutions to implement GMP. The problem is that Russia has been searching for an integrative management model in this area for more than 30 years, discussions continue about the interdepartmental and sectoral nature of GMP, its essence and typology. This article focuses on the issue of a management body in the field of GMP, designed to ensure the integration of the activities of all its social actors. According to the author, it should be created in the rank of a federal ministry. Dialectical and systematic approaches, historical, logical, formal-legal, comparative and structural-functional research methods are used for substantiation. A brief history of the creation and functioning of federal and regional bodies for youth affairs is given, attention is drawn to their current composition and development trends. Conclusions are drawn about the actual approach to the independence of the status of the executive authority responsible for the development and implementation of GMP, its regulatory and legal regulation in the Russian Federation, and measures are proposed to improve integration processes in the management of the sphere under consideration.

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