
A common definition of tree automata operating on unranked trees uses a set of vertical states that define the bottom-up computation, and the transitions on vertical states are determined by so called horizontal languages recognized by finite automata on strings. It is known that, in this model, a deterministic tree automaton with the smallest total number of states (that is, vertical states and states used for automata to define the horizontal languages) does not need to be unique nor have the smallest possible number of vertical states. We consider the question by how much we can reduce the total number states by introducing additional vertical states. We give an upper bound for the state trade-off for deterministic tree automata where the horizontal languages are defined by DFAs (deterministic finite automata). Also, we give a lower bound construction that reduces the number of horizontal states, roughly, from 4n to 8n by doubling the number of vertical states. The lower bound is close to the worst-case upper bound in the case where the number of vertical states is multiplied by a constant. We show that deterministic tree automata where the horizontal languages are specified by NFAs (nondeterministic finite automata) can have no trade-offs between the numbers of vertical states and horizontal states, respectively. We study corresponding trade-offs also for nondeterministic tree automata.

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