
Studying public innovation policy improvement aimed at supporting territories with high scientific potential is relevant because a favorable integrated environment for innovative Russian and foreign scientists must be created in order to preserve and develop Russian scientific potential. This article aims at developing an experimental model that establishes the relationship between the readiness for technological development of a territory and (statistically) calculated factors. This research uses general scientific methods of cognition, including analysis, synthesis, and comparison. Results are presented for the development and testing of an experimental model establishing the relationship between the readiness of a certain territory for technological development and various factors. Available statistical data was analysed. A huge gap was found between territories in terms of their readiness for technological development. The factors of creation of scientific clusters are considered. An evaluation system of territorial structures with a scientific potential is proposed. Knowledge-intensive industries and educational systems should be combined into a single multi-industry complex. The author substantiates the need to create an urban planning policy law in Russia. The structure and model of interaction between urban planning and scientific and technical policy for the development of a qualitatively new approach to the management of scientific and technological progress (in some cases, the scientific and technical revolution) is proposed. It is necessary to create a new strategy for innovative development of the Russian economy and education to be used in legislation developed by several committees of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation.

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