
AbstractResearch has shown that state support around the world is an effective mechanism for creating favourable conditions for the economic activities of agribusiness entities. At the same time, the key directions and measures of state support are largely individual for each of the countries, reflect the peculiarities and specifics of the national agricultural sector. The authors analyzed the modern system of state support for the introduction of innovations and technologies in the agricultural sector of the country’s economy, as one of the key areas of state regulation, which through regulatory, legislative and financial regulation promotes the involvement of technologies in various forms of management. This, in turn, determines in the future the places and roles of each category of farms in the development of agriculture, the production of high-quality and competitive products, ensuring the country’s food security and access to international agricultural trading platforms. The results of the analysis indicate the imperfection of the existing system of state support, which requires adjustments to measures, directions, and volumes of state financing. The authors have identified the agroleasing system as a promising direction for improving state support for the industry, which has a number of advantages in comparison with the classic loan.KeywordsAgricultureState supportTechnical modernizationAgroleasingMulti-layers

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