
The work focuses on the role of insurance to support sustainable agricultural production in economically developed countries, the importance of public-private partnerships in accordance with the potential of agro-industrial complex. Purpose – mechanism of state regulation of insurance of agricultural risks is considered using the example of the world experience, taking into account the situation in Kazakhstan. Methods – comparison and scientific generalization, review of literature sources on the topic. The study is divided into two stages: analysis of statistical sources on agricultural insurance at the international level from 2020 to 2023; study of domestic practice. Results – advantages and disadvantages of various approaches to insurance of agricultural activities with state participation have been identified. Recommendations for improving the insurance system of agricultural crops and animals in the republic are substantiated, including precise definition of responsibilities and conditions of participation for insurance firms, increasing the level of subsidizing premiums, ensuring the availability of information for farmers and creating a legislative framework. The work also notes the need to adapt international experience to Kazakhstan’s national characteristics. Conclusions - state support for compensation of damage caused by natural disasters, the implementation of the proposed measures will significantly increase the efficiency of agricultural insurance in the country, ensure protection of the interests of farms, stable development of agricultural sector and minimize risks for agricultural producers. The legal mechanism of insurance in agro-industrial complex requires improvement. As a basis for regulation, it is necessary to establish constructive dialogue between stakeholders. To assess the condition of agricultural crops, the use of space monitoring data is of great importance. Agricultural insurance is a potential growth segment and factor in food security in Kazakhstan.

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