
The article is devoted to the state regulation of the economy and economic conflicts in the context of digitalization. Against the background of the digital transformation of society, economic conflicts are actively developing. New information technologies open up opportunities for the state’s functioning and change the structure and dynamics of conflicts, as well as mechanisms for conflict settlement and resolution. The author notes that government regulation presupposes a relatively “soft” impact on economic conflicts and is aimed at obtaining socially useful and significant results. When studying the specifics of conflict relations in the sphere of economic relations, the author used systemic and institutional approaches. The purpose of the study is to determine the place and role of the state in the system of regulating economic conflicts, as well as to assess the degree of its interference in the process of regulating economic conflicts in a digital society. The article notes that the management activities of the state are carried out through various methods of influencing the economic environment and conflicts (legal regulation, digital technologies). The role of the state in the system of regulation of economic conflicts is ambiguous. The state can have a positive and negative influence on the dynamics of a conflict. As the author emphasizes, the degree of state intervention is determined by its status. Conventionally, the state in the process of developing an economic conflict can act as a subject of the conflict, as a party to support one of the subjects of the conflict, and as an entity interested in its own benefit. The status of an active participant allows the state to control the regulation of economic conflicts. The state needs to selectively approach each conflict in the economic sphere. The author sees a solution to the problem of state regulation of economic conflicts in attracting a regulatory mechanism and digital technologies. Digital technologies can be used by the subjects of conflicts as tools for their settlement within the framework of the current legislation. At the same time, the choice in favor of a specific digital technology for resolving conflicts should be made by the state together with representatives of the business community and citizens.

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