
Governments have used a number of mechanisms to support research and production in domestic industries that are considered strategic. In recent years the Japanese system of administrative guidance and support for pre-competitive research joint ventures has arguabh proved the most successul High-dgfnition teleuislon ( H D V provides an interesting new case study in government support for high-tech industries. Wzile the failure of the EC's venture in this jeld is perhaps unsurprising, the MUSE pryect in Japan has suffered a similar fate. Success in HDTV har been achieved by the US government's novel use ofpre-competitive contests in which domestic and overseas companies are free to form consortia and to arrange side-payments which share out the winning ‘prize’. This innovation in the state's promotion of innovation may haue wider applications, though its repeated use could inhibit research by individual companies able tojee-ride on the contest winners.

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