
During 2011, IEEE Transactions on Computers (TC) has maintained its position as a leading and prestigious publication in the field of computing. The number of manuscript submissions (inclusive of Special Sections) was 872 papers (at the time of writing this editorial in November 2011). The number of papers published was 139 papers plus approximately 140 additional papers were posted online as preprints (with an acceptance rate around 23.6%). Going by the number of papers received to date, I can guarantee you that 2012 will be another successful year for TC. The page budget stood at 1872 pages during 2011, which will maintained at the same level in 2012. As a measure of overall timely review, over the last 12 months the delay encountered from submission to fi rst notifi cation has been under three months. We are striving to improve this turnaround period and I am positive that this will be achieved due to the effort of the great team that we have. The Editor-in-Chie extends his gratitude to the wonderful team of Associate Editors, Guest Editors, reviewers, and IEEE Computer Society staff. Of course, we cannot forget our loyal authors and readers. A number of special sections have been published in 2011. TC does not publish special issues and the special sections are the mechanism used to enable the organization of mini special issues to publish on topical themes that are of importance to our readership. The themes covered in 2011 were Dependable Computer Architecture, Computer Arithmetic, Chips and Architectures for Emerging Technologies and Applications, Science of Design for Safety Critical Systems, and Concurrent Online Testing and Error/Fault Resilience of Digital Systems. The organization of such special sections will continue in 2012. Information on the scheduled special sections appears on the journal's homepage

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