
It was determined that the current state of the field of solid household waste management in Ukraine is: focused on the landfilling of solid household waste, its placement in landfills and spontaneous landfills, most of which do not meet the requirements of environmental safety; is characterized by the lack of opportunities for separate collection and processing of solid household waste; has a low technological level and a low level of implementation of innovative technologies; is characterized by the lack of a proper recycling system (including a separate collection system); limited by approaches to making complex management decisions and financial resources. It has been established that the outdated methods of managing this area, as well as the lack of a comprehensive solid waste management system, is the main problem for Ukraine, which negatively affects the environment and the health of the population. Solving this problem largely depends on state policy, legislative innovations and specific financial and economic mechanisms approved at the national level. The main priorities for changes in solid waste management policy are outlined. It has been established that the development of national legislation in the field of waste management, including solid household waste, is taking place in Ukraine. In particular, the National Waste Management Strategy until 2030, the National Waste Management Plan until 2030, the Law of Ukraine “On Waste Management” was adopted, which indicates the implementation of the basic principles and provisions of European legislation in the field of waste management, including solid household waste.

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