
An increasing number of studies using marine environmental DNA (eDNA) approaches are showing its potential application in marine fisheries management by helping and simplifying some of the labor-intensive traditional surveys required to assess exploited populations and ecosystem status. eDNA approaches (i.e. metabarcoding and targeted) can support to ecosystem-based fisheries management by providing information on species composition; surveillance of invasive, rare and/or endangered species; and providing estimates of species abundance. Due to these potential uses in fisheries and conservation sciences, the number of studies applying eDNA approaches in marine habitats has expanded in the very last few years. However, a lack of consistency across studies when applying pipelines for data analyses, makes results difficult to compare among them. Such lack of consistency is partially caused by poor knowledge in the management of raw sequences data, and analytical methods allowing comparative results. Hence, we review here the essential steps of eDNA data processing and analyses to get sound, reproducible, and comparable results, providing a set of bioinformatics tools useful for each step. Altogether this review presents the state of the art of eDNA data analyses towards a comprehensive application in fisheries management promoting sustainability.

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