
The article provides a comprehensive analysis of domestic and foreign developments on the issues of a certain state of man in general and the state of TERMINATION in the religious and secular life of man in particular; the concept of «termination» is substantiated; the content of the leading concepts of the problem is revealed. The signs, types, functions, and qualities of the TERMINATION state are highlighted and systematized. The analysis is carried out on the materials of the documentary on religious and mystical culture. The philosopher in his theoretical reflections tries to cover both the objective state of affairs and the subjective world of man. Philosophy shows that external catastrophes can begin with an internal catastrophe, a subjective one, when people follow petty in petty ways, when the natural compensatory insight mechanism as a STATE OF CESSATION, a regulatory state of self-awareness, which results in the cessation of a trivial action, when this action is stopped as unnecessary. In religious and mystical culture, compensatory insight as a STATE of Cessation is the Divine state of the mystic as the cessation of action-actions. However, this is a cessation of small, trivial actions-actions. Compensatory insight as state of Cessation is the cessation of pettiness. The state of cessation is a cessation for a short time. And then there is action, actions for salvation. The state of Cessation - is a spontaneous experience in which the old personality dies in a person. It is experienced as a revelation, an insight. It is clear that there is relativity, what to consider important in the actions of a person, and what is not important. One person thinks some actions are important, while another person considers important, and another person considers completely different actions. But the state of STOP state can be triggered in both cases. in both cases. The state of STOP is a rather subjective state of the individual with his or her attitude to the world and to other people. But still, there is a more or less objective criterion. The objective criterion is that a person is somehow or another is orientated towards those actions that aimed at the development of life, at its preservation, its salvation, and not its destruction. And here the actions must be of a certain orientation. For example, a person of the XXI century, with his objective knowledge, his understanding of history, with his understanding of cosmic processes should be guided in their actions to preserve human life, to, to protect this life. But in the actions of people we. we see manifestations of cruelty and inhumanity. These actions are aimed simply at the destruction of human life. An example is, is the war that Russia has unleashed against Ukraine. In this war, the actions of the Russian occupiers - are actions to destroy all living things. Here the manifestation of the state of Suspension in a person does not does not work. The Russian soldier does not stop those his actions that destroy people.

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