
In the first part of our clinical-population study, we present the results of assessing the effectiveness of anti-cancer measures conducted in Russia among children and adolescents. In this study, we focus on the prevalence and structure of oncological diseases, the quality of accounting, and the survival of primary patients in the "young adults" age group. To address the set tasks, we selected two groups for research: the entire Russia for calculating the incidence, mortality, and quality of accounting for patients, as well as the entire Northwest Federal District for calculating the survival of cancer patients. According to the WHO classification, young population is considered to be the age group from 18 to 44 years, i.e. after the adolescent period and up to 45 years. The main goal of our study is to investigate the specifics of the localization structure of oncological diseases for different age groups of the population, and the main reports present data for five-year age groups. In the future, we will analyze the features of the localization structure of oncopathology by five-year age intervals, starting from the age group of 20-24 years. This is of particular importance, as our previous study of the adolescent group (15-19 years old) did not reveal significant differences in the structure and survival of patients aged 15-17 years.

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