
Fixed assets contribute to the process of production, distribution, exchange and consumption of resources. therefore, the efficiency of modern enterprises depends primarily on the productive use of fixed assets. Therefore, the accuracy and reliability of accounting for transactions related to the accounting, recognition, movement and disposal of such assets in the enterprise depends on the state of legal regulation of such aspects and control over the completeness of the data presented in the report. This study examines the regulatory requirements for accounting for transactions with fixed assets (including the features of their recognition, comparison of optimal depreciation methods, etc.), scientific views on the classification of fixed assets, and the importance of control to ensure the completeness and accuracy of accounting data. This article analyzes the features of accounting for fixed assets by life cycles, such as: receipt, productive use and storage, restoration and improvement of quality characteristics and disposal. The issues of types of revenues and values at which such assets should be recognized at the enterprise are considered. Particular attention is paid to the initial cost and methods of depreciation of fixed assets. Whereas the analysis of methods has shown that the straight-line method is simple in comparison with the method of accelerated reduction of residual value, which is the most time-consuming. Whereas the disadvantage of the cumulative method is the monthly determination of the cumulative coefficient, although the amount of depreciation in the straight-line method is constant. It is recognized that the last life cycle of fixed assets affects the financial results of the enterprise due to the deduction of income from disposal of fixed assets of their residual value and indirect costs associated with the disposal of such assets. On the basis of which it is emphasized that the task of control of fixed assets is to assess the feasibility of its acquisition, the reliability of regulatory requirements for accounting and movement of such assets, establishing the correct technical conditions of its operation, determining the documentation of repairs, as well as determining the amount of losses theft in case of detection. The main problems of accounting and control of fixed assets are presented and ways to improve them are suggested. The implementation of such in economic activities minimizes the number of errors and errors in the accounting of fixed assets, as well as improve the quality of reporting

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