
The state policy on the management of objects of intellectual property right in the sphere of national security and defense is considered.Under the current conditions, national security is unconceivable without solving the problematic issues of intellectual property management and creating the necessary preconditions for the development of intellectual potential and its use for national security.At present, the concept of national security is being expanded to include more and more spheres of public life. New security settings related to the scientific and technological revolution have started to play an important role.Nowadays, issues of the formation of an effective state policy for ensuring national security in all its spheres and manifestations are of great importance. An important component of the mechanism for the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of national security should be the provision of intellectual property management.However, national security legislation does not provide for the development of a strategy or other programmatic document on scientific and technical security, which would envisage measures to ensure the protection of the scientific and intellectual potential of the state, competitive technologies available in the country.The question at issue is the fact that the state has not yet developed a national strategy for the protection of intellectual property, which would provide the protection of interests and rights of all subjects of intellectual property rights, and especially the state. Although the attempts to develop such a strategy were carried out repeatedly. The state system of intellectual property protection and the effectiveness of providingnational interests with its structural elements, in particular in the field of national security and defense, are investigated. Current problems in this area are explored and suggestions are made to resolve them.There exists a necessity for creation of the central executive authority, the main task of which should be the formation and implementation of the state policy on the protection and management of intellectual property, as well as the state body, which, on behalf of the state and in its interests, will execute the ownership rights of the objects of intellectual property rights that are in state property.

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