
EXTENSION publications describing selection programs designed to measure performance of beef breeding cattle first began to appear in 1953. Some of the early publications were authored by Bogart and Eling (1953), Flint (1954), Riggs and Maddox (1955), Albaugh et al. (1955) and Godley and Cato (1957). State extension programs came earlier, however, because most of the early publications were being used in mimeograph form for 1 to 5 years before printing. I wish I could document the number of man-hours or man-years spent developing the program to date. The time of administrators, state livestock specialists, area livestock specialists, county agricultural agents-at-large, county agricultural agents and secretarial help at all levels would total to an impressive amount. Beef breed associations also have a stake in Record of Performance programs. According to Lyle B. Springer, Director of Breed Improvement Department, American Angus Association, their Herd Improvement Record program was established in 1959 and, as of February 16, 1966, they had a total of 523 breeders participating.

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