
Based on United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982 (UNCLOS 1982), Indonesia has sovereignty in the Indonesian waters and has exclusive rights in natural resources utilization in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). By having sovereignty in the Indonesian waters and exclusive rights in the EEZ, Indonesia should be able to exploit this potential to optimize the fisheries availability as a means of increasing food security for the state, but in reality, the fisheries availability cannot be optimized because of many IUU-Fishing practices which has an impact on decreasing food security. Therefore, the aims of the research are: (1) to describe and explain how to overcome and eradicate IUU-Fishing in Indonesian exclusive economic zone. (2) to describe and explain how is the solution to apply the state exclusivity principle of fisheries resources optimally in efforts to support the fisheries availability as a means of increasing food security for the state. This research used normative legal research. The results of the research shows that in overcoming and eradicating IUU-Fishing in Indonesian EEZ preventive and repressive measures must be taken. To optimize state exclusivity of fisheries resources in Indonesian EEZ as a means of increasing food security, a good fisheries management is needed, namely the Republic of Indonesia Fisheries Management Area. The Indonesian government must also improve facilities and infrastructure for fisheries supervisors or enforcers and improve surveillance operations in EEZ. In addition, Indonesia also should make bilateral or multilateral cooperation mechanisms with states with opposite or adjacent coasts.

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