
The article is devoted to the problems of the mechanism of the state, the trends of its institutionalization, development and functioning in the Russian Federation at the present stage. More specifically, the article considers domestic state corporations from the point of view of their participation in the implementation of state functions, as well as in terms of their place and role in the system of institutions of public power. As a central idea, the authors put forward and try to substantiate the thesis about the "inclusion" of state corporations in the mechanism of the Russian state at the current stage and their fulfillment of socially significant functions provided by public power. In the process of considering this problem and justifying the main idea, the authors During the study, the authors relied on scientific works in the field of the functioning of the state and its mechanism. As an argument of the main conclusions and ideas, the authors were based on a formal-logical analysis of the legal norms governing the status of domestic state corporations. The authors conclude that state corporations have legal and political properties that make them one of the elements of the state mechanism.

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