
The author of the article has studied the essence and content of state control and state supervision in the pharmaceutical sphere.
 The purpose of the article is to study state control and state supervision in the pharmaceutical field and substantiate the need to distinguish between these two concepts at the regulatory level.
 The methodological basis of the article is a set of general scientific and special research methods. In particular, the logical and semantic method has assisted to identify shortcomings in the current legislation of Ukraine on the use of the terms of “state control” and “state supervision” in the pharmaceutical field.
 Analyzed scientific views on the understanding of state control and state supervision and the provisions of regulatory acts, where these two concepts are used, allowed us to conclude that Ukraine has currently an urgent need to distinguish between the concepts of “state control” and “state supervision” within current regulatory acts. After all, these two concepts in their content are not identical, have different meanings, objectives, goals. The necessity of differentiation between the state control and state supervision in the pharmaceutical sphere has been substantiated.
 It has been offered to understand state supervision in the pharmaceutical sector as a set of actions and measures aimed at monitoring and collecting information on compliance with the requirements, norms and standards regulating the activities of business entities in the pharmaceutical sector. Based on the results of the state supervision one can carry out state control, which should be understood as a set of actions and measures aimed at ensuring legality and discipline at all stages of production and sale of medicinal products, prevention of deviations and bringing into line with current legislation of Ukraine, as well as prosecuting guilty party.
 It has been emphasized that a perspective area of further research is various aspects of regulating the activities of subjects of authoritative power exercising control and supervisory powers in the pharmaceutical field.

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